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首頁>商業訊息>Something you need to know before
Something you need to know before  2016-04-19

hair shears

What are hair shears?

Hair shears are a kind of very sharp scissor that are made to the use of cutting hair. Actually Hair shears are used for three types of hair-cutting, i)cutting hair ii)thinning hair iii)texturizing hair, in her or his hair salon, stylists would have so many shears in any sizes to respond to those three uses.

On top of that, a professional hair salon stylist would also have Barber scissors shearsCraft shearsBarber razor, Thinning scissors shears, to do different type of style of the hair cutting. 

The price of hair shears that you buy would have a very wide range, because the manufacturing process is very different, some hair shears are made of metal and some are made of steel and ti-tanium, actually sometimes it is a combination of it.


What kind of hair shears should I pick up?

We recommend you that you pick up the best quality of hair shears that you can afford, but you can still buy some products which are suitable for students or beginners or just for some home use, it would be more cheap and save you more money.

If you are not confident in your capability and well-practiced in hair-cutting, then it is not going to be beneficial for you to use the hair shears to do the haircut at home or by yourself, there are some other hair cutting tools that can help you cut your hair. if you really want to use hair shears at home, maybe you can use wigs to practice beforehand  to make sure your skill is quite enough to do the haircut to yourself.

If you have any issue in term of the question that we have discussed, you can choose either to send us email or to give us a phone call, we will do our best to provide you the most excellent ser-vice ever, click the bottoms below at the bottom of this page, we welcome your contact sincerely!

Eversharp Pro Company

Official website URL : http://www.eversharp-pro.com.tw

Email : info@eversharp-pro.com.tw

Facebook Fanspage : https://www.facebook.com/eversharppro


know more about Hair Scissor:


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