孟加拉商R.B.集團(www.waltonbd.com)為該國年營業額8000萬美元,年採購金額達4,000萬美元,員工超過2600人之大型財團,營業項目包括家用電器及機車。由於該商計劃在2010年在當地設廠生產液晶電視及冷氣空調,R.B. Group總 經理Mr. S.M. Nurul Alam Rezvi及採購部主任三人等,擬
1. LCD TV Cabinets mold manufacturer for
2. 3 layer PCB board producing machine manufacturers
3. Evaporator unit producing machine manufacturers for wall split type RAC (Room Air Cooler) which BTU capacity will be 12000-24000, per day (12 hrs) production capacity will be minimum 300 sets
4. Condensing unit (including fins) producing machine manufacturers for wall split type RAC (Room Air Cooler) which BTU capacity will be 12000-24000, per day (12 hrs) production capacity will be minimum 300 sets.
5. V-M/C, CNC & EDM machine manufacturers for workshop.
由於採購項目繁多,名額有限,有意參加洽談廠 商,請填表或傳真或E-mail至本會俾安排洽談。本會將安排洽談時間後通知貴公司。本會聯絡資訊:外貿協會市場拓展處李宏政專員電話02-7255200 ext.1580 傳 真 02-27576443 e-mail:stevelee@taitra.org.tw。